Florida State Tax Extensions: Business, Personal, Information and Nonprofit Tax Returns


The state of Florida does not have an income tax and hence there is no need of any extension as far as individual income tax is concerned. However, there is an extension of form available for corporate businesses in Florida. Form F-7004 must be filed with payment of tax by the original due date of the Florida return. A federal extension by itself does not extend the time to file a Florida return. An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal extension was granted.

Who Must File?

Corporations and artificial entities that conduct business, or earn or receive income in Florida, including out-of-state corporations, must file a Florida corporate income tax return unless exempt. They must file a return, even if no tax is due.

Corporations and other artificial entities, including those located in other states, that are partners in a partnership or members of a joint venture doing business in Florida must file the Corporate Income/Franchise Tax Return (Florida Form F-1120). A partnership must file a Florida Partnership Information Return (Form F-1065) if it is doing business in Florida and a corporation is one of the partners.

When Tax is Due?

Generally, the Florida corporate income tax return is due:
  • On or before the first day of the fourth month following the close of the tax year, or
  • The 15th day following the due date, without extension, for the filing of the related federal return, whichever is later. Any balance of tax owed must be paid in full by the due date of the Florida return. The Florida Partnership Information Return (Form F-1065) is due on or before the first day of the fifth month following the close of the tax year.

If you need an extension you must file a Florida Tentative Income/Franchise Tax Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Return (Form F-7004) must be filed with payment of tax by the original due date of the Florida return. You may file Form F-7004 electronically. Properly filing this form will automatically give corporations 6 months from the due date of the return to file the corporate return. For partnerships, the extension will give you 5 months from the due date of your return to file your return.

You may file a form "Florida Tentative Income / Franchise Tax Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Return".

When to file?

File this application on or before the original due date of the taxpayer's corporate income tax or partnership return. Do not file before the end of the tax year. To file online, go to www.myflorida.com/dor.

Penalties for failure to pay tax

If you are required to pay tax with this application, failure to pay will void any extension of time and subject the taxpayer to penalties and interest for failure to file a timely returns and pay all taxes due. There is also a penalty for a late-filed return when no tax is due.


A person authorized by the taxpayer must sign Florida Form F-7004. They must be (a) an officer or partner of the taxpayer, (b) a person currently enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or (c) an attorney or Certified Public Accountant qualified to practice before the IRS under Public Law 89-332.

The Florida Form F-7004 (Florida Tentative Income / Franchise Tax Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Return ) must be filed -

To receive an extension of time to file your Florida return, Florida Form F-7004 must be timely filed, even if you have already filed a federal extension request. A federal extension by itself does not extend the time to file a Florida return. An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal extension was granted. See Rule 12C-1.0222, F.A.C., for information on the requirements that must be met for your request for an extension of time to be valid.

Why should I use Express Extension?

ExpressExtension has an experienced and competent team to meet all your individual and business tax solutions. We provide a complete and easy solution to all your tax needs.

Sole proprietorships, individuals, estates of decedents, and testamentary trusts are exempted and DO NOT have to file a return.

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We support only federal tax extension forms.